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ARCR Membership
Join ARCR today and start getting answers to the many
questions you have about Costa Rica.
As an .
Membership - Join Online or by Mail
Annual membership is $100 US for individuals
without legal Costa Rican residency.
If you are a legal resident of Costa Rica, the annual
membership is $50 US. Proof of residency is required.
Spouses and dependants of a member can join for US$10 annually (please
mail a separate application form for each person).
Join by Mail!
Please note that mail to Costa Rica may take from 2 to 4
weeks to arrive here. If you choose to join by mail, please do not expect
a prompt response. Mail service is reliable, but quite slow.
- Print out either the Adobe Acrobat
version or the Microsoft Word version of our Membership Application
- Fill out the application completely and mail it along
with your check to us at:
P.O. Box
Miami, Florida
make check payable to 1
Question? Email us at
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