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Immigration in
Costa Rica.
Immigration details
For those who decide to immigrate to Costa Rica, the Archive is here to help
you through the maze of information. Direccion General de Migracion
is the immigration office for Costa Rica, and everything official is in
It is also unfortunate, but while the immigration law is fixed, the
various procedures can be changed on short notice by the Immigration
Keep updated as to these changes through
the websites
While immigration is not for everyone, it is important to make a clear and
informed decision about your choices. Misinformation is everywhere on the
internet and around the country, so be careful to believe half of what you
The most complicated issue you will deal with in immigration is the
legalization of your documents for residency. This is where good help can
assist you by walking you through the procedure, one document at a time,
for each country or state you will need to deal with. It can be a very
confusing, and sometimes lengthy process, just to get the documents ready
for presentation to the immigration department. Be aware of the regulations
followed in your country, or even for particulars in your state.
For more general details on immigration, please check out our information
on the types of residency available, so that you can get an idea of which
type you may qualify for. This will help us to determine which documents
you will need.
For those that are here only part time, less than 3 months at a time, you
may decide to remain as a tourist. For people who wish to stay longer, or
year around, we would advise checking out you
residency options early to
determine if you will be able to qualify for immigration to Costa Rica.
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