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Relocate to Costa
Relocating to Costa Rica details
In what area should I live? How can I ship my household goods to Costa
Which shipping company and port of entry should I use? Can I, or should I,
ship my car down, or buy one here? What are the best schools for my
children? Where can I get good medical services? Where can I meet other
foreigners and like minded people? And, of course many other questions.
There are many informational sources for all your relocation
concerns, answers and help. Our principal function is most definitely
Information. You can read many books and websites on Costa Rica, to get
well informed, but rules, regulations and laws change constantly, and connect with locals who live in the country already.
Research can help you directly with many relocation procedures, and also
works with many relocation experts who can assist you with more complex
issues, such as bringing your household goods or vehicle if you decide to.
Before relocating you will need to think about the many things you should
do, or arrange, before moving to Costa Rica. Our handy checklist can help
you ensure you have not missed any items.
Banking services, mail services, Drivers license, Internet & telephone needs, medical
attention, education issues... the list of relocation issues can go on and
on depending on your specific needs. We try to help guide you to make the
best choice, but it is important that you make your own decisions.
For example, where should I live? While some people may answer the
question for you, this can be a grave error. You need to investigate the
different areas of the country, the services available, and the lifestyle
and costs that will be affected depending on where you relocate. Only YOU
can make the decision of where to live, as only you can know what your
needs and preferences are. All you need to do is get the
information you need to make an informed decision.
It is also helpful to meet others who have relocated to Costa Rica, in
order to share experience and wisdom in various aspects. Listen, but also
take your time, look around carefully, and do your research. In the end
this fact gathering should only be used to let you make your own
Relocation can be an exciting new adventure, but nowhere is paradise and
wherever you go you will face new problems and issues which you may need
to overcome, just be prepared mentally and you will do fine.
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